I often find you cleaning and maintaining your house. I also find you spending all your savings on this haven. I find you go shopping for it, looking at it with love and keeping it spick and span. But you doing all this makes me laugh. You going for décor shopping with your noisy bones and tired eyes makes me laugh. You care so much about your home because you have to live in it, right? But why not take care of your immediate home first? One where you have to live, at all times. One which you can not leave even occasionally. The home that goes with you to your grocery shopping and house décor spree.

The home that you never leave is your body. You always have and always will live in the same body. You don’t possess the power to make it shorter or longer, lighter or darker, prettier or uglier. But keeping it clean, healthy, and maintained is under your control. It is your eternal abode so love it, take care of it, cherish it and pamper it. There is no bigger gift than a healthy body and it is upon you to keep it that way.

A healthy way of living is often stereotyped as bland and boring. With tasteless food and sleepy bodies going for a morning walk, people consider a healthy lifestyle to be forced upon someone. But try to get a test of it and you for sure will be addicted to it. And to get a taste try following these tips.

 Eat Good

 Eating well doesn’t mean that you have to always eat bland, colorless, and tasteless oats. In fact, eating healthy means eating the whole rainbow. Eat everything from vegetables to grains, from fruits to your favorite desserts but a little more conscious and smart. So, to eat well you will have to consult the best dietitian in Lahore through Marham.pk. Healthy eating doesn’t always mean weight loss. You should eat healthy even if you’re thin. This will help you maintain the healthy body that you have been gifted with. 

  •  Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
  •  Eat more lean proteins such as chicken and fish.
  •  Don’t skimp on fibers.
  •  Be friends with all leafy green vegetables.
  •  Take whole cereals and legumes.
  •  Avoid sugars. Sugars not only lead to weight gain but are associated with adverse health effects, such as hormonal imbalance, heart disease, and diabetes. 

 Sleep Well

 Sleep, a word often associated with laziness and lethargy. You will be amazed to know the positive effects sleep has on your overall health. You need to sleep at least 7 -8 hours a day. The benefits of good sleep exacerbate its positive effect on your mood. Good sleep will help you lose weight, it will help you maintain a good metabolism, and it will help in relieving stress. 

 Sleep deprivation can perpetuate serious health conditions. Prioritizing sleep is one of the biggest steps you can take in achieving a healthy lifestyle. If you are waking up earlier than 7 hours even for a morning walk, DON’T. What could be better than to sleep and achieve health? 

 Move Well

 Always laying on the couch with your phone in hand is the worst you could do to yourself. This recent trend of working from home and doing everything possible while sitting on a couch is your worst enemy. This has led us; already lazy beings to be even lazier if that was possible. 

A little physical activity and exercise will not tire you out, in fact, it will do the opposite. Physical activity is scientifically proven to make you more active and more healthy. If you find yourself winded up just halfway through the day? Exercise is your way to go. It will add to your energy account, not subtract it. At least 150 minutes of exercise every week is a must. 

 Why focus too much on exercise, when you are not even doing your daily tasks? Walking your dog, going for groceries, climbing the stairs, and walking to your friend’s house should be rudimentary. You shouldn’t count these as some extra work. Do these for a week and thank me later. 

 Connect Well

 Oh, look up! You might walk into the wall. Hilarious! But it’s not a joke. This is how indulged you are in our phone. You no longer feel a connection to the chirping birds and the wet grass. Try taking off your headphones when you are walking home. You will hear the birds chirping, the kids playing, and the gravel moving. It is not all good you will also hear the cars honking, dogs fighting, and the elders bickering, but this is where you live in and you should feel connected to it.

This simple tip will help you in keeping your mind sane. And a sane mind in a healthy body is all you need. Connecting with your parents, playing with your dog, and bickering with your partner will give a hint of normalcy and reality, and this can be your start towards a healthy lifestyle.

 Don’t Stress Well 

 STRESS! Your worst enemy. It is the enemy of your good diet, your physical activity, your sleep, and your connections. So removing this one thing from your life will help you a bundle. Stress causes you to eat more and gain weight. This weight gain solely can render all your efforts useless.

 What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about a healthy lifestyle? A good diet, Right? Eating healthy is the key to a healthy lifestyle. All other things affect your eating and indirectly affect your health. They will not only tell you what to eat, but they will also tell you how to eat, how to sleep, how to move, and everything associated with a healthy lifestyle.